To be honest i think if their were to be any thing seriously wrong with this piece foursnail would have pointed it out. He is really good at Critically analyzing art. He's got a good eye and he is not afraid to tell it like it is in nicest way possible. Unless he hates you, which in fact he personally told me that he dose in fact hate you (to any body reading this comment who is not beans the statement above is a inside joke). Until reading his comment i couldn't point out anything wrong with it but now that he mentioned it the inconstancy between parts of the subject that are outlined and the parts that are painted over it dose look strange. But other than that i can't find any other flaws. I really do like that cool canvas texture that you used it looks really cool and it works really well with the water colourish back ground you did. Beans don't get worked up about this stuff. I personally think that out of our whole group i think you are by far the most talented. Yu dun did gud grl.